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Unlock the most amazing trade discounts
Fast and Safe FREE Delivery
We guarantee your purchases will be received in excellent condition. Our free delivery service is fully insured and quick for our customer’s utmost
satisfaction. No hidden costs, ever!
Augmented Reality (AR)
Having trouble visualising what a mirror will look like in your space? We have introduced Augmented Reality that virtually shows exactly. how the mirror will look in any desired area!
Local Warehouse in Sydney
Still can’t decide which mirror you love the most for your wall? Visit us at our local warehouse in Sydney, Australia to inspect in person by making a booking request via the ‘Contact Us’ page.
Easy Returns
Really, is it that hard to return an item? Our 14-day easy returns policy makes it that simple. Simply refer to your invoice or call us to request a return. No questions asked!
Exceptional Customer Service
We’re with you every step of the way through thoughtful care and expert consultation. We make sure a piece fits all spaces, styles, and budgets.
Australian Owned & Operated
Elitspire is a 100% Australian-owned company that offers the most luxurious timeless Smart LED Mirrors.